We’ve been making nibblers since 1985 and have been perfecting our designs ever since. This is why we’re proud to say the Professional Nibbler comes with an industry-leading punch design, offering an unparalleled 1,200 feet* (365 Meters) of cutting life per punch, the equivalent of 3.3 (U.S) Football fields or 1 Empire State Building.
In addition to this, our punches naturally chamfer the material as it cuts, leaving no sharp edges or burrs from the cut itself. This makes the Professional Nibbler safer than competing solutions and saves you time cleaning up sharp edges.
* Depending on the type and thickness of the material being cut. Thicker and stronger materials can expect a reduced cutting lifespan.
In addition to delivering superior cutting life our punches also provide unmatched value, delivering a cutting life of up to 33.18 Meters per dollar spent.
This is achieved thanks to our patented cutting technology and our pricing structure which aims to reduce the cost to the consumer.
* Based on the lowest available prices of competing nibbler spare punches, last updated 10/06/2020